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Jw Player Plugin Chrome Download


Preloading and Sharing/Related Plugin Skinning. JW Player 7.2 features a variety of exciting new features and updates to your video experiences. We’ve modernized our Sharing and Related plugins to coincide with our JW7 skinning principles. In addition, JW Player now supports using preload with its media. This a media player plugin that allows using JW Player 7 for playing HTML5 and Flash content in Moodle 3.2 and higher 1. The plugin is designed to achieve consistency of the player appearance in all major browsers and mobile platforms.

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The developer teams from Chrome and Firefox1 have announced core changes to how they will handle Flash applications. Despite being an HTML5-first video player, these changes can affect video playback through JW Player. The announcements indicate that the browser itself will decide whether or not a Flash application is core to the viewer's experience. If the Flash object is small and outside of view, the browser will throttle or add an overlay on top of the Flash application, stopping it from fully rendering2. This functionality is aimed to help reduce power consumption and increase battery life. Applications that use HTML5 and native <video> tags will not be affected.

Jw Player Plugin Chrome Download

With a combination of this free-for-download tool and a text editor of choice, anyone can build plugins for the JW Player. The Flex SDK is available for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. This JW6 plugin SDK contains a few example plugins.

JW Player Behavior

JW Player looks at the video type given to the player and chooses a rendering provider (Flash or HTML5) based on the capability of the browser. If there is a media file that cannot be played in HTML5, JW Player will use Flash to ensure that the video can be viewed. This is important for streaming media as most browsers do not natively support today’s most popular adaptive format, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) and specifically for video advertisements, which rely heavily on Flash.


JW Player uses Flash to support the widely used HLS protocol. Even though there are some browsers that support HLS natively - Safari and the new Microsoft Edge - they do not expose the full functionality of the HLS spec (for example, multiple audio-tracks and DVR window controls).

In order to ensure unthrottled playback when streaming with JW Player, you can do the following:

  • Always use a video player that is bigger than 400px by 300px , independent of media formats.
  • Use a combination of MPEG-DASH, HLS, and mp4 fallback sources.

DASH will use the native HTML5 video tag and not use Flash at all.

If your video placement requires a smaller size, always provide an mp4 or other HTML5 compatible file as the first source and JW Player will always render without being throttled. This however might be challenging for publishers using JW Player for advertising due to the vast majority of ad units requiring Flash.

Impact on Video Advertising

JW Player chooses an ad creative file from a VAST tag based on the video provider that will be used to play the main video content. If JW Player is going to play a video in Flash, the player will render the ads in Flash. Most publishers force their JW Player setups to use a Flash media provider because the ads returned from their ad server are Flash based. Forcing a player to use Flash still renders a functional video player in HTML5-only environments but publishers without HTML5 ads from their ad partner will not get impressions on those devices.

VPAID is a very popular interface between video player and ad unit that was initially designed to enable a rich interactive in-stream ad experience. In July, 53% of ads played through JW Player were Flash VPAID ads. The majority of these ad units are bulky Flash objects that add real-time bidding, layers of verification and viewability, and extra time to start actual ad playback. The video ad that is returned ends up not being interactive but is likely just an mp4 rendered in Flash.

A number of ad networks are ramping up support for VPAID 2.0, the updated version of the spec which allows for JavaScript-based ad units instead of Flash. These units will allow for the same functionality as their Flash cousins with the added benefit that they will not be throttled and will work in HTML5-only environments. There are however very few VPAID 2.0 JavaScript creatives on the market today and the technology has yet to be fully tested at scale.

As a publisher, you can do the following to make sure your small video players with advertising do not get throttled:

  • Remove any settings that force Flash to primary and set up the player with HTML5 first video files.
  • Work with your ad partner to ensure you get HTML5-compatible creatives (mp4s, VPAID 2.0 JS).

JW Player will be adding support for VPAID 2.0 JavaScript creatives before the end of Q3. If you have any sample ads, please send them to beta@jwplayer.com so we can guarantee them working at launch.


  • For now, if your video player is larger than 400px wide and 300px you have nothing to worry about.
  • If your site uses Flash videos that are less than 400x300, Chrome and Firefox will likely throttle video playback or block the videos altogether.
  • The only way to truly ensure that video playback is not blocked by the browser is to use media formats that do not require Flash. This might take a while as the streaming media landscape shifts from HLS to MPEG-DASH.
  • If you are running video in a sidebar and thus need to have smaller video players, make sure the media and ad format will always render in HTML5. Since these video players are small, they likely do not need to take advantage of streaming and can run fine with just an mp4.

1Firefox disabled Flash from its browser until a core security hole was fixed in the plugin.

2Safari has had a power save mode since Safari 7, but it is disabled by default.

From Engineering Client Portal

Engineering PortalDigitalDCR & DTVRJW Player Plugin Browser

Nielsen Browser SDK Plugin for JWPlayer browser player is enabled for measurement by integrating Nielsen Software Development Kit (SDK).

OSPlayer VersionSDK VersionSupported Ad FrameworksDownload
5.1.1VMAP and VASTContact Nielsen
  • 2JW Player Plugin Integration
  • 5Metadata

Plugin Implementation


  • Nielsen App ID (appid): A unique ID that Nielsen assigns to the player / application and is provided upon starting the integration. There are two IDs provided during integration:
  • Nielsen JW Player Plugin URL: This is the Plugin library URL to be included in the Plugins section of the JW Player setup.

JW Player Plugin Integration

The steps for integrating Nielsen Browser SDK with JW Player are as follows:

Add Plugin Library

Add the HTTP or HTTPS version of the plugin URL *(provided below) to the plugins section withing the JW Player setup

Configure SDK

To initialize the SDK with the JW Player Plugin, an initialization object needs to be created within the ‘plugins’ object to include the Configuration Metadata.

Note: All parameters except javascript objects must be passed as strings

Create Metadata Objects

Content and ad objects need to be set up with the required Nielsen keys and passed as each individual asset is loaded. Content and ad metadata objects are shown in the sample code below.

Content Object

Mapping traktor pro 2 pioneer ddj 200. Ad Object

Opt-Out Implementation

The site must provide a means for the user to opt out of, or opt back into Nielsen Measurement. A user can opt out if preferring to not participate in any Nielsen online measurement research. To implement the Opt-Out option, include the following in the privacy policy page:

  • A notice that the player includes proprietary measurement software that allows users to contribute to market research (such as Nielsen TV Ratings)
  • A link to the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy

On the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy page, users can click choices to read more detailed information about the measurement software and their options. The users can click a link to retrieve an Opt-Out cookie if they do not want to participate in Nielsen online measurement.

Nielsen properties may feature Nielsen proprietary measurement software, which will allow the users to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen TV Ratings.

To learn more about the information that Nielsen software may collect and your choices with regard to it, please see the Nielsen Digital Measurement Privacy Policy at http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy.


Once users have opted out, they can choose to opt back into Nielsen Measurement at anytime by selecting the Opt-In link on the Nielsen Digital Privacy Policy page. When a user selects the link, their Opt-Out cookie will be deleted and they will be measured.

Going Live

After the integration is certified, there is one update to be made to the existing code to ensure that the player will be measured properly:

  • Collection Environment: Change the value for sfcode from dcr-cert to dcr to point traffic to the Nielsen production collection environment. Do not use dcr-cert for production traffic

Note: Ensure that the nol_sdkDebug parameter is not used.

Sample Initialization Object Gui design studio serial key.


There are three types of metadata

  • Plugin Configuration Metadata: Used to initialize SDK and Plugin
    • Plugin URL: Must be passed along with the Configuration Metadata.

      Note: No keyname is needed to pass the Plugin URL.

  • Content Metadata: Used to identify content.
  • Ad Metadata: Used to identify ads.

Metadata can be passed through key-value pairs using the Nielsen reserved keys (for collecting the required metadata). The metadata received for each asset is used for classification and reporting.

Jw Player Plugin Chrome Free Download

Plugins Configuration Metadata

plugin url (No Keyname Needed for Plugin URL)The plugin url must be established and called within the JW Player Setup, and passed along with all additional configuration metadata. HTTP or HTTPS version can be used.
apidUnique ID assigned to player/site.‘PXXXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXX’
sfcodeLocation of collection environment. During testing, all traffic should be directed to 'dcr-cert'.testing:'dcr-cert' production:'dcr'
nsdkvNielsen SDK Version'511'
apnUser-defined string value for describing the player / site.custom
nol_sdkDebugEnables Debug Mode which allows output to be viewed in console.

Note: Do not use this in production.

'INFO' – API calls

'WARNING' – System level logs

'ERROR' – Error logs

'DEBUG' – Full logs

Content Metadata

typeType of asset'content'stringYes
assetidUnique ID assigned to assetcustomstringYes
programProgram NamecustomstringYes
titleEpisode titlecustomstringYes
airdateThe original airdate for linear TV'20161013 20:00:00'dateNo
lengthLength of content in seconds3600 (0 for live stream)integerYes
segBCustom Reporting SegmentcustomstringNo
segCCustom Reporting SegmentcustomstringNo
isfullepisodeFull Episode Flag

'y' - Full Episode

'n' - Non Full Episode

adloadtypeDistinguishes Dynamic vs Linear Ad Insertion

'1' - Linear

'2' - Dynamic

crossId1Standard Episode IDcustomstringYes
crossId2Content Originator IDcustomstringNo
mediaURLURL location of the content being streamedcustomstringYes
hasAdsDistinguishes when content includes Ads

'0' - No Ads

'1' - Includes Ads

'2' - Unknown


Ad Metadata

typeType of ad




assetidUnique ID assigned to adcustomstringYes

Jw Player Plugin - CNET Download

Note:There is a URL character limit of 2000 characters imposed due to browser limitations. Exceeding this value can impair data delivery on particular browsers.

Examples of Passing Metadata

Including Metadata for Playlist Mode'In case of using a playlist, use 'stream_custom_params' object to provide stream-specific metadata for each playlist item as shown in the example code below.

Including Metadata for Single Stream PlayIf a playlist is not being used and the player is setup to play a single stream, use 'stream_custom_params' in the player options as shown in the example code below.

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